O Ministério da Mediocridade adverte: o KX é prejudicial à burrice contente, ao conformismo babaca, à inércia covarde, à hipocrisia deslavada, à pseudo-felicidade do cidadão comum, à pose esquerdopata e à idiotice útil.

Are you commonner?

Most likely, yes. But, just to be sure, take the "quiz" below, with 30 questions. It is important to know, or you run the risk of getting offended here. In addition to receiving a free diagnosis, you can learn what a "commonner" stands for, according to my dictionary. Print and check "Yes" or "No" for each statement. Then, see the answer sheet just below the test.
1) I have a religion, believe in a "God" or "Supreme Being", "Creator", Astrology", "entities", "energy" that is not recognized by physics, or I declare myself as "spiritual." [] Yes [] No
2) Faith is a virtue. [] Yes [] No
3) Religion never hurts. We can not criticize religions, even though we are not followers. Some things are sacred. [] Yes [] No
4) I read self-help. As a writer, I admire Paulo Coelho. I'm "open minded", and have read "50 shades of gray." [] Yes * [] No
5) Everyone is a fan of some team. After all, football is a passion, right?[] Yes [] No
6) Family is important, and so we all should get married and have children.[] Yes [] No
7) I am romantic, or believe that "true love" only happens once in a lifetime, with that "special one", who I would like to marry. Or this has already happened to me. [] Yes [] No
8) Sex is a way of expressing love. So we should be monogamous (or "faithful"). And monogamy is proof and sign of respect.[] Yes [] No
9) Desire or sex with people other than the partner in a monogamous relationship is betrayal, immorality, dishonesty and shamelessness. [] Yes [] No
10) I have an "eclectic" musical taste. I enjoy a little bit of everything. [] Yes [] No
11) Movies, music, books and any other things that are blockbusters should be good. [] Yes [] No
12) I am conscious and politicized, and therefore follow an ideology. [] Yes * [] No
13) I want to go or send my children to Disney World. Or go on that guided tour to Europe. Or, some "exotic" place I saw on the eight o'clock soap opera.[] Yes * [] No
14) Consuming designer products and attending "trendy" places gives me pleasure. [] Yes * [] No
15) I like sex, but it has to be with the "Honey". And there are things I would never do! [] Yes [] No
16) I feel good with the "gang", and generally agree with the majority. [] Yes [] No
17) I am an ethical person, for justice and equality. So I am a feminist, vegan, leftist, liberal and/or something similar. [] Yes * [] No
18) The politically correct aims for or guarantees respect and dignity for all human beings. [] Yes * [] No
19) There is "good" and "evil". [] Yes [] No
20) Institutions like the church, family, marriage and motherland are essential to our well-being and happiness. [] Yes [] No
21) I celebrate (and/or find important) dates like anniversaries and other "milestones" in my life, when I achieved those things that "everyone" should do. [] Yes [] No
22) I wear a wedding or an engagement ring. [] Yes [] No
23) I like to make or receive public declarations of love.[] Yes [] No
24) I have been engaged. [] Yes [] No
25) I think we should be very well defined in our marital status and our sexual orientation. [] Yes [] No
26) If I love a person, I must marry him/her, and divorce him/her, if I ever happen to love someone else, because you can only love one person (at a time).[] Yes [] No
27) I must be part of a couple to be well. [] Yes [] No
28) Everything has a reason. If everyone does certain things -  and in a certain way, it is best to follow the tradition. [] Yes [] No
29) I have already given, asked or expected "proofs of love." [] Yes [] No
30) Football, politics and religion should not be discussed among friends. [] Yes [] No


- If you checked "Yes" to one or more questions, you are a commonner. Congratulations! What a relief, huh? If you checked any "Yes" that has an asterisk, it's even better - you are a "sophisticated" common, maybe even clever, yet unconscious of your commonness.
Now put the test in a frame and hang on the wall. It also serves as a certificate! A big hug from your friend, KX!